

Info Jenis Burung, Makanan Burung, Suara / Kicauan Burung dan Harga Burung

Saturday, July 15, 2023



Bagaimana Cara Perkawinan Silang Burung Love Bird Agar Menghasilkan Warna Warna Yang Indah dan Unik ? Semakin maraknya komunitas pecinta burung lovebird tak jarang orang - orang ingin mencoba untuk meng kawin silangkan burung love bird nya...karena warnanya yang sangat menarik, Warna burung Love Bird yang sangat indah dan bervariasi sangat mempengaruhi harga love bird. Konsep Budidaya Love Bird kawin silang makin marak dikalangan peternak love bird. Semakin unik kombinasi warna maka semakin tinggi pula harga love bird. Maka para peternak love bird berlomba-lomba untuk melakukan budidaya Love Bird agar menghasilkan warna yg se-unik mungkin. Mulai dari : Love Bird Lutino mata merah, Love Bird Albino mata merah, Violet, Blorok (pied), Love Bird Kepala Emas, Love Bird Pastel dll

Disamping diperlukan kesabaran & ketelatenan dalam merawat & men-kawin sialangkan, diperlukan juga pengetahuan mengenai bagaimana Cara Perkawinan Silang Burung Love Bird Agar Menghasilkan Warna Warna Yang Indah dan Unik

Jika Anda ingin mencoba untuk budidaya Love Bird dengan warna yang unik dengan cara Anda sendiri, berikut artikel tentang Cara Perkawinan Silang Burung Love Bird Agar Menghasilkan Warna Warna Yang Indah dan Unik  yang perlu disimak untuk mencoba mencetak jenis Love Bird yang unik

Parblue: Part Blue or Partial Blue is a multiple allele of the Blue gene. When the gene is fully active, you get a Blue mutation. But the gene can also be partially activated and you get the Parblue mutation.There two different Parblue mutations found in Peachface Lovebirds; Turquoise and Aqua.

**Aqua (Dutch Blue) - closer to green in colour and has a orange brow. Horn colored beak.
**Turquoise (Whiteface Blue) - dark green/blue and has a cream-white brow. pink colored beak.
**AquaTurquoise (Seagreen) - Combination with orange brow. Two toned beak; pink at top and horn at bottom.

Sex Linked Mutations: Ino, Cinnamon, Pallid, and Opaline are sex linked mutations in Peachfaces. A cock needs 2 sex linked genes to express the mutation visually, and a hen only needs one sex linked gene.

Lutino - Yellow all over with a white rump and red eyes.

 - means split. It is in their genetic make-up but does not show visually.
Cobalt - A bird that has a single dark factor.
Mauve - A Parblue bird that has two dark factors.
Olive - A Green bird that has two dark factors.
Lutino - Yellow all over with a white rump and red eyes.
Creamino - A Parblue version of a Lutino. The bird has a white/cream face and red eyes.
Pallid - Resembles a Lutino, but the bird has blue tail feathers.
Edged Dilute - An eumelanin reducing mutation. It affects most noticeable the mantle, where you will see an 'edging' or 'pencilling' effect on the wings. The flight feathers are grey, and the rump is lightened.
Parblue Edged Dilute: is also commonly known as 'Silver' or 'Silver Cherry'

Sex Linked Combinations

Lutino Cock x Pallid hen
=PallidIno Cocks
=Lutino Hens

Green/ino Cock x Pallid hen
=Green/Pallid Cocks
=PallidIno Cocks
=Green Hens
=Lutino Hens

Lutino Cock x AquaTurquoise Pied Hen
=Green/Aqua/Ino Cocks
=Green/Turquoise/Ino Cocks
=Green Pied/Aqua/Ino Cocks
=Green Pied/Turquoise/Ino Cocks
=Lutino/Aqua Hens
=Lutino/Turquoise Hens
=Lutino Pied/Aqua Hens
=Lutino Pied/Turquoise Hens

Lutino Cock x Mauve Pied hen
=Dark Green/Parblue/Ino Cocks
=Dark Green Pied/Parblue/Ino Cocks
=Dark Green Ino/Parblue Hens
=Dark Green Pied Ino/Parblue Hens

Green Cock x Lutino Hen
=Green/Ino Cocks
=Green Hens

Lutino Cock x Green Hen
=Green/Ino Cocks
=Lutino Hens

Green/Ino Cock x Green Hen
=Green Cocks
=Green/Ino Cocks
=Green Hens
=Lutino Hens

Green/Ino Cock x Lutino Hen
=Green/Ino Cocks
=Lutino Cocks
=Green hens
=Lutino Hens

Lutino Cock x Lutino Hen
=Lutino Cocks
=Lutino Hens

Creamino Cock x Parblue Pied Hen
=Parblue/Ino Cocks
=Parblue Pied/Ino Cocks
=Creamino Hens
=Creamino Pied Hens

Creamino Cock x Mauve Hen
=Cobalt Parblue/Ino Cocks
=Cobalt Creamino Hens

Creamino Cock x Parblue Pied Hen
=Parblue/Ino Cocks
=Parblue Pied/Ino Cocks
=Creamino Hens
=Creamino Pied Hens

Lutino Cock x Green Pied Hen
=Green/Ino Cocks
=Green Pied/Ino Cocks
=Lutino Hens
=Lutino Pied Hens

Lutino Cock x Cinnamon Hen
=Green/Lutino/Cinnamon Cocks
=Lutino/Cinnamon Hens

Green Pied Cock x Lutino Hen
=Green/Ino Cocks
=Green Pied/Ino Cocks
=Green Hens
=Green Pied Hens

Olive DF Orangface Cock x Lutino Hen
=Dark Green SF Orangface/Ino Cocks
=Dark Green SF Orangface Hens

Olive DF Orangface Cock x Cinnamon Hen
=Dark Green SF Orangface/Cinnamon Cocks
=Dark Green SF Orangface Hens

Lutino Cock x Cobalt Aqua Pallid Hen
=Green PallidIno/Aqua Cocks
=Dark Green PallidIno/Aqua Cocks
=Green Ino/Aqua Hens (Lutino)
=Dark Green Ino/Aqua Hens (Lutino with 1 dark factor)

Lutino Cock x Mauve Pied Hen
=Dark Green/Ino Cocks
=Dark Green Pied/Ino Cocks (Visually Dark Green)
=Dark Green Ino Hens (Lutino with 1 dark factor)
=Dark Green Ino Pied Hens (Visually Lutino. Pied with 1 dark factor)

Cobalt Parblue Pied Cock x Creamino Hen
=Parblue/Ino Cocks
=Parblue Pied/Ino Cocks
=Cobalt Parblue/Ino Cocks
=Cobalt Parblue Pied/Ino Cocks
=Parblue Hens
=Parblue Pied Hens
=Cobalt Parblue Hens
=Cobalt Parblue Pied Hens

Parblue and Green Combinations:

Green Pied/Ino Cock x Cobalt Turquoise Pied Hen
=Green/Turquoise Cocks
=Green Pied/Turquoise Cocks
=Green/Turquoise/Ino Cocks
=Green Pied/Turquoise/Ino Cock
=Dark Green/Turquoise Cocks
=Dark Green Pied/Turquoise Cocks
=Dark Green/Turquoise/Ino Cocks
=Dark Green Pied/Turquoise/Ino Cocks
=Green/Turquoise Hens
=Green Pied/Turquoise Hens
=Lutino/Turquoise Hens
=Lutino Pied/Turquoise Hens
=Dark Green/Turquoise Hens
=Dark Green Pied/Turquoise Hens
=Dark Green Ino/Turquoise Hens
=Dark Green Ino Pied/Turquoise Hens

Cobalt Aqua Pied Cock x Cobalt Aqua Pallid Hen
=Aqua/Pallid Cocks
=Aqua Pied/Pallid Cocks
=Cobalt Aqua/Pallid Cocks
=Cobalt Aqua Pied/Pallid Cocks
=Mauve Aqua/Pallid Cocks
=Mauve Aqua Pied/Pallid Cocks
=Aqua Hens
=Aqua Pied Hens
=Cobalt Aqua Hens
=Cobalt Aqua Pied hens
=Mauve Aqua Hens
=Mauve Aqua Pied Hens

Turquoise SF Violet Cock x Turquoise DF Violet Hen
=Turquoise SF Violet
=Turquoise DF Violet

Olive Cock x Aqua Turquoise Pied Hen
=Dark Green/Aqua
=Dark Green/Turquoise
=Dark Green Pied/Aqua
=Dark Green Pied/Turquoise

Cobalt Turquoise Pied x Green Pied
=Green Pied/Turquoise
=Dark Green/Turquoise
=Dark Green Pied/Turquoise

Mauve x Parblue
=Cobalt Parblue

Mauve x Parblue SF Violet
=Cobalt Parblue
=Cobalt Parblue SF Violet <-- this is a very nice bird, deep purple in color.

Parblue x SF Violet Parblue
=Parblue SF Violet

Cobalt Parblue x Parblue SF Violet
=Parblue SF Violet
=Cobalt Parblue
=Cobalt Parblue SF Violet

Cobalt Parblue x Parblue
=Cobalt Parblue

Parblue Pied x Parblue Pied
=Parblue Pied

Green x Olive
=Dark Green


Green x lutino
100% green/ino

Green/ino x green
50% green
50% green/ino

Green/ino x green/ino
25% green
50% green/ino
25% lutino

Green/ino x lutino
50% green/ino
50% lutino

Lutino x blue
100% green/ino/blue

Green/ino/blue x green/ino/blue
6.25% green
12.5% grenn/ino
12.5% green/blue
25% green/ino/blue
6.25% lutino
12.5% lutino/blue
6.25% blue
12.5% blue/ino
6.25% albino

Albino x green
100% green/ino/blue

Lutino/blue x lutino/blue
25% lutino
50% lutino/blue
25% albino

Lutino/blue x green/blue/ino
12.5% green/ino
25% green/ino/blue
12.5% lutino
25% lutino/blue
12.5% blue/ino
12.5% albino

Lutino x green/ino/blue
25% green/ino/blue
25% green/ino
25% lutino/blue
25% lutino

Albino x green/ino/blue
25% green/ino/blue
25% blue/ino
25% lutino/blue
25% albino

Albino x blue
100% blue/ino

Blue/ino x blue/ino
25% blue
50% blue/ino
25% albino

Albino x blue/ino
50% blue/ino
50% albino
source :

Demikian Info Cara Perkawinan Silang Burung Love Bird Agar Menghasilkan Warna Warna Yang Indah dan Unik semoga bermanfaat bagi kicau mania

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